Easy access to information for tracking ecosystem conditions, human connections and management impacts are critical to timely, effective and community-based resource management. Through an exciting collaboration that leverages expertise across NOAA’s IOOS Program (including the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network), Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) Program, National Centers for Coast and Ocean Science (NCCOS) and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), we are developing web-based, interactive tools to track and better understand the changing nature of sanctuary ecosystems. These user-friendly tools bring ecosystem tracking and assessment information to the fingertips of resource managers, scientists, educators, and the public.
For more information about this approach:
Developing Science-Based Indicator Portfolios For National Marine Sanctuary Condition Reports
Guide to the Infographiq software library for displaying data
Improving the IEA Approach Using Principles of Open Data Science
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Product Inventory: Data & Software (beta)